Monday, 10 June 2013

What was old becomes new...

Just so you know, I am also into making stuff that just plain ole looks good... like this ottoman I made.  I got the idea from the Healthy Hybrid FB page - who got it from another girl called Nikki.  Since I made mine I noticed that Nikki is selling the instructions and asking folk not to publish the how to.  Here's the link to that ...

In any case it was easy-ish, I modified hers in that I couldn't stomach the idea of all that crazy glue, so I looked around the house and found some left over floor tile glue I had lying around.   Maybe I was being cheap or just bullheaded, who knows? Any way, it 'eventually' worked out. The legs I raided from an ugly footstool that I had stashed away.  The project required my jigsaw, drill, a few screws, a few paintbrushes for the glue and a piece of circular glass for the top. Oh yes, and the tire and some plywood.

Mind you, if I did this again I would wear gloves...  the glue was all over my hands. I had to hide them over  the next few days in the office. Perhaps they were wise to use the crazy glue. But who ever follows instructions to the tee???  I did try other glues... gorilla glue (don't bother,
it foams up when it dries -- I had to discard the gross foamy mess along with the tire)  

I ripped the rope off of it so I could reuse the rope ( pricey stuff!)
Other tips... buy Manilla rope in 3/8inch.  Manilla, not sisal-- unless you only want it for indoors.  Manilla is treated to withstand the elements.  Sisal is not.  My stool is on the porch  :)

I started from a natural groove in the wheel so that my lines were straight and continued on.  When I got to the top I started from outside and worked towards the centre.  It took several hours and tons of rope...  like over 300 feet of rope.

I have to say, it is really satisfying to take something labelled trash and recreate a thing of worth and beauty. Reminds me of a story a woman told me about finding a scary, neanderthal  type and investing the time and renovating him, turning him into 'a man of beauty and substance'... but that's another story!

See picture below.  I didn't show or detail the entire process but ...  I did show you my failed tire and the end result. Voila! .... Note the ragged  cane rocker seat in the foreground ... sigh... another project in the wings...  :)

My tire turned ottoMAN :D

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